Mansell Law Employment Attorneys

Class Actions and Collective Actions

If the unlawful situation pertaining to you is also pertaining to others, you may be part of a wider class of unlawful conduct. For example, if you employer is failing to pay you over time, it is likely not paying other overtime as well. If any of the unlawful conduct described on this site is happening on a wide-scale basis, there may be a potential class action or collective action lawsuit under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

A class action lawsuit allows one person or a small group of people to be represented by a law firm and sue on behalf of tens, hundreds, or thousands of different people with similar complaints. Because there is strength in numbers, a class action lawsuit is a powerful tool that individuals can use to enforce the law against large corporate employers and government entities.

There are several factors that law firms must consider prior to bringing a lawsuit as a class action:

Numerosity – are there enough people affected by the illegal practice to warrant a class action

Commonality – do the affected people share common legal issues

Typicality – are the claims of the person(s) bringing the suit typical of those of the entire class

Adequacy of Representation – will the law firm bringing the case be willing and able to represent the interests of the entire class.

When considering class action representation, it is important to consider the experience of the lawyers involved in class actions. At Mansell Law, we have handled numerous collective and class actions ranging in size from 10 to 500+.

For more information on Class Actions, contact a Columbus Unpaid Overtime employment lawyer experienced in representation for Class and Collective Actions.

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