Hostile Work Environment Ohio - Mansell Law Attorneys
What is a Hostile Work Environment in Ohio?
What is a “Protected Class?”
How Do I Prove the Harassment I’m Subjected to is “Unwelcome?”
How Can I Connect the Harassing Conduct I’m Subjected to With My Protected Class?
How Can I Prove the Harassing Conduct I Suffered was Sufficiently Severe or Pervasive to Constitute a Hostile Work Environment?
How Can I Prove My Employer Knew What Was Happening and Failed to Take Action?
What behaviors are considered criteria for a hostile work environment?
Examples of actions that may create sexual hostile environment harassment include:-
-Leering, i.e., staring in a sexually suggestive manner
-Making offensive remarks about looks, clothing, body parts
-Touching in a way that may make an employee feel uncomfortable, such as patting, pinching or intentional brushing against another’s body
-Telling sexual or lewd jokes, hanging sexual posters, making sexual gestures, etc.
-Sending, forwarding or soliciting sexually suggestive letters, notes, emails, or images
Other actions which may result in hostile environment harassment, but are non-sexual in nature, include:
-Use of racially derogatory words, phrases, epithets
-Demonstrations of a racial or ethnic nature such as a use of gestures, pictures or drawings which -would offend a particular racial or ethnic group
-Comments about an individual’s skin color or other racial/ethnic characteristics
-Making disparaging remarks about an individual’s gender that are not sexual in nature
-Negative comments about an employee’s religious beliefs (or lack of religious beliefs)
-Expressing negative stereotypes regarding an employee’s birthplace or ancestry
-Negative comments regarding an employee’s age when referring to employees 40 and over
-Derogatory or intimidating references to an employee’s mental or physical impairment
For more information on hostile work environment claims, or if you believe you or someone you know has been subjected to a hostile work environment, give our hostile work environment attorneys in Columbus, Ohio a call for free consultation or submit your information online and we will contact you promptly.